Hi there...
I want to query two tables in my db. One containing a list of numbers
ranging from 10000 - 10200, the other table is storing information that is
relative to some of the numbers:

Table1.record1:  number=10000

Table2.record1:  number=10000 name=John

Now I want to query these to tables to show a table that has one column with
the numbers, and if there is a name stored in the other table for this
number, I want to display this.


I have been doodling with an "if" thingy in MySQL, but I am having trouble
getting result I need.

IF(table1.number = table2.number AND table2.name = NULL,
'No name registered',
FROM table1,

LIMIT 0,30

What am I doing wrong here... It only displays the first name stored in the

- Trond -

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