Do this:

$querykb = "SELECT e_description FROM events WHERE t_id = '$t_id' ORDER BY id

where id is the unique id of each row.
Then it will order it like:

Entry 2
Entry 1

David Balatero

Martin Skjöldebrand wrote:

> Martin Skjöldebrand wrote:
> > I have a table containing steps toward solving a problem. I want to pass
> > the last entry to another database as a solution.
> > How do I do this? What I've tried today is:
> I read a few more pages in my newbie book and decided to try it like this
> instead:
> <? if (isset($cmdAddtoKb)) {
> $querykb ="SELECT e_description FROM events WHERE t_id = '$t_id';";
> $resultkb = mysql_query($querykb, $mysql_link);
> $answer = mysql_fetch_row($resultkb);
> foreach ($answer As $teststring)          //while we are inside the array
> {
>     $kb_answer = $teststring;        //pass the current string to the final
> variable
> }
> I've got two entries in e_description:
> note 1
> note 2
> Still $kb_answer refuses to become anything other than "note 1". What I'm
> looking to do it to get it to be "note 2" or rather the *last* entry in the
> table e_description that fits the SELECT statement (there might be 1,2, 7
> or 94 entries. I still want $kb_answer to be the last one).
> Frustrating being a newbie,
> Martin S.
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