Ok, so you have to put the 'Offset-Event-Handler' prior to your
select-statement. $Offset is calculatet by the event-handler and
then you specify the LIMIT (already done in your skript):

// specify LIMIT
$limit = "LIMIT ";
$limit .= $Offset;
$limit .= ", 10";

... here comes your query ...

after displaying the results, build something like this (in HTML):

<FORM Name="Navigation" Action="<?php echo $PHP_SELF; ?>" Method="POST">
        <INPUT Type="Submit" Name="First" Value="First">
        <INPUT Type="Submit" Name="Prev" Value="Prev.">
        <INPUT Type="Submit" Name="Next" Value="Next">
        <INPUT Type="Submit" Name="Last" Value="Last">

        <INPUT Type="Hidden" Name="Offset" Value="<?php echo $Offset; ?>">

... so you have your $Offset (initially zero) stored in the hidden field.
If you hit a Button, then the skript loads itself new and it has now the
var's $Offset which will be new calculatet regarding of the Button you hit.

Simple, ain't ?! >8)=)

I hope, you're getting closer.

BTW, there are ready Navigateable Recordset-Classes for results in


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Matt Coyne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, March 26, 2001 3:22 PM
> To: PHP DB
> Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] Another newbie question
> Hi Michael
> Thanks for the prompt reply, much appreciated
> I can see where the code snippet is going. Creating values
> for $offset for
> the set of navigation buttons.
> But how do I use those values?
> I am stumped on (and am prolly just blinkered) how to make
> the query again
> from the nav button?
> If I am barking madly up the wrong tree, then I apologise.
> I'm not sure if I
> have covered the basics, more like I have learnt what I
> thought I needed as
> I went along. There are bound to be large gaping wholes in my
> knowledge, so
> further help is definitely required.
> matt
> t  h  r  e  e  z  e  r  o     :       :      :
> the mill, millstone lane, leicester, le1 5jn
> e : [EMAIL PROTECTED] ::  m : 07747 845690
> w : http://www.threezero.co.uk
> :       :      :    t  h  r  e  e  z  e  r  o
> > From: "Michael Rudel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Reply-To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Date: Mon, 26 Mar 2001 14:48:20 +0200
> > To: "'Matt Coyne'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "'PHP DB'"
> > Subject: RE: [PHP-DB] Another newbie question
> >
> > OK, Matt, so you've got the basics =8).
> >
> > Your beginning is good, using the $Offset. Now you only have to
> > add navigation-buttons (First, Previos, Next, Last) with html
> > and a hidden field namded Offset.
> > LIMIT is defined as a constant. You could also use your $Limit.
> >
> > here is a snippet of my navigation code:
> >
> >
> >     //////////////////
> >     // Event-Handler
> >
> >     if ( isset( $Offset ) )
> >     {
> >        // First-Button
> >        if ( isset( $First ) and !empty( $First ) )
> >        {
> >           $Offset = 0;
> >        }
> >
> >        // Next-Button
> >        if ( isset( $Next ) and !empty( $Next ) )
> >        {
> >           if ( $Offset <= ( $num_rows - LIMIT ) )
> >           {
> >              $Offset += LIMIT;
> >           }
> >        }
> >
> >        // Previous-Button
> >        if ( isset( $Prev ) and !empty( $Prev ) )
> >        {
> >           if ( $Offset >= LIMIT )
> >           {
> >              $Offset -= LIMIT;
> >           }
> >           else
> >           {
> >              $Offset = 0;
> >           }
> >        }
> >
> >        // Last-Button
> >        if ( isset( $Last ) and !empty( $Last ) )
> >        {
> >           $Offset = ($num_rows - LIMIT);
> >        }
> >     }
> >     else
> >     {
> >        $Offset = 0;
> >     }
> >
> > // End Event-Handler
> > //////////////////////
> >
> >
> > Hope this helps. If there are still questions ... ask =8)
> >
> > Greetinx,
> > Mike
> >
> > Michael Rudel
> > - Web-Development, Systemadministration -
> > _______________________________________________________________
> >
> > Suchtreffer AG
> > Bleicherstraße 20
> > D-78467 Konstanz
> > Germany
> > fon: +49-(0)7531-89207-17
> > fax: +49-(0)7531-89207-13
> > e-mail: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > internet: http://www.suchtreffer.de
> > _______________________________________________________________
> >
> >
> >
> >> -----Original Message-----
> >> From: Matt Coyne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> >> Sent: Monday, March 26, 2001 1:39 PM
> >> To: PHP DB
> >> Subject: [PHP-DB] Another newbie question
> >>
> >>
> >> Hi guys/gals
> >>
> >> Having had my head sorted out by this list already today, I
> >> am in need of
> >> some more help...!!
> >>
> >> I have an input form that, through php queries a MySQL db and
> >> passes results
> >> back and the browser displays them (at this stage just as a list).
> >>
> >> I have been looking into the LIMIT command to split my
> >> results into sections
> >> (ie results 1-10 then 11-20 etc). No problem in understanding
> >> how LIMIT
> >> works and I have LIMITed the first set to the first 10
> >> results. I understand
> >> that to show results 11-20 I would use LIMIT 10, 10 in my
> SQL query.
> >>
> >> However, how am I to update the LIMIT n, 10 dynamically
> >> depending on what
> >> split of results they are viewing. ie How do I recall the SQL
> >> query but with
> >> an update LIMIT value
> >>
> >> Here is what I have been doing:
> >>
> >> // make the select
> >> $select = "SELECT ref, firstname, surname ";
> >>
> >> //add the tablename to the query
> >> $fromtable = "FROM $table_name";
> >> //$fromtable .= "$tablename";
> >>
> >> //build where clause
> >> $control=1;
> >> $where = " WHERE $control=1 ";
> >>
> >> //determine if field sent value, build statement if true
> >> if ($sex != '') {
> >> $Qsex = "AND sex = '$sex' ";
> >> } else {
> >> $Qsex = "";
> >> }
> >>
> >> if ($heightFt != '') {
> >> $QheightFt = "AND heightFt = '$heightFt' ";
> >> } else {
> >> $QheightFt = "";
> >> }
> >>
> >> if ($heightIn != '') {
> >> $QheightIn = "AND heightIn LIKE '$heightIn%' ";
> >> } else {
> >> $QheightIn = "";
> >> }
> >>
> >> if ($neck != '') {
> >> $Qneck = "AND neck LIKE '$neck%' ";
> >> } else {
> >> $Qneck = "";
> >> }
> >>
> >> if ($chest != '') {
> >> $Qchest = "AND chest LIKE '$chest%' ";
> >> } else {
> >> $Qchest = "";
> >> }
> >>
> >> if ($waist != '') {
> >> $Qwaist = "AND waist LIKE '$waist%' ";
> >> } else {
> >> $Qwaist = "";
> >> }
> >>
> >> if ($hips != '') {
> >> $Qhips = "AND hips LIKE '$hips%' ";
> >> } else {
> >> $Qhips = "";
> >> }
> >>
> >> if ($leg != '') {
> >> $Qleg = "AND leg LIKE '$leg%' ";
> >> } else {
> >> $Qleg = "";
> >> }
> >>
> >> if ($shoe != '') {
> >> $Qshoe = "AND shoe LIKE '$shoe%' ";
> >> } else {
> >> $Qshoe = "";
> >> }
> >>
> >> if ($dress != '') {
> >> $Qdress = "AND dress LIKE '$dress%' ";
> >> } else {
> >> $Qdress = "";
> >> }
> >>
> >> if ($hair != '') {
> >> $Qhair = "AND hair LIKE '$hair%' ";
> >> } else {
> >> $Qhair = "";
> >> }
> >>
> >> if ($eyes != '') {
> >> $Qeyes = "AND eye LIKE '$eyes%' ";
> >> } else {
> >> $Qeyes = "";
> >> }
> >>
> >> if ($skin != '') {
> >> $Qskin = "AND skin LIKE '$skin%' ";
> >> } else {
> >> $Qskin = "";
> >> }
> >>
> >> if ($nationality != '') {
> >> $Qnationality = "AND nationality LIKE '$nationality%' ";
> >> } else {
> >> $Qnationality = "";
> >> }
> >>
> >> // specify how results are ordered
> >> $orderby = "ORDER BY surname ";
> >>
> >> // offset is a hidden value in the initial form == 0
> >> if ($offset = '0') {
> >> $offset = 0;
> >> }
> >>
> >>
> >> // specify LIMIT
> >> $limit = "LIMIT ";
> >> $limit .= $offset;
> >> $limit .= ", 10";
> >>
> >> //build concatenated query
> >> $concatsql = $select;
> >> $concatsql .= $fromtable;
> >> $concatsql .= $where;
> >> $concatsql .= $Qsex;
> >> $concatsql .= $QheightFt;
> >> $concatsql .= $QheightIn;
> >> $concatsql .= $Qneck;
> >> $concatsql .= $Qchest;
> >> $concatsql .= $Qwaist;
> >> $concatsql .= $Qhips;
> >> $concatsql .= $Qleg;
> >> $concatsql .= $Qshoe;
> >> $concatsql .= $Qdress;
> >> $concatsql .= $Qhair;
> >> $concatsql .= $Qeyes;
> >> $concatsql .= $Qskin;
> >> $concatsql .= $Qnationality;
> >> $concatsql .= $orderby;
> >> $concatsql .= $limit;
> >>
> >>
> >> // make query
> >> $result=@mysql_query($concatsql, $connection) or die
> (mysql_error() .
> >> "<BR><B>from query:</B>$concatsql");
> >>
> >> //detect amount of rows in result for display
> >> $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result);
> >>
> >> //start building set of results to be echoed in browser
> >> $contact_list= "<UL>";
> >>
> >> while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
> >>
> >> $ref = $row['ref'];
> >> $firstname = $row['firstname'];
> >> $surname = $row['surname'];
> >>
> >> $contact_list .="<LI><A HREF=\"show_record.php?ref=$ref\">$surname,
> >> $firstname</A>";
> >>
> >> }
> >>
> >> $contact_list .="</UL>";
> >>
> >> // add 10 to offset for next set of results
> >> $offset +=10;
> >>
> >> So, that all works for the first set of results but I do not
> >> know where to
> >> go from here. I am assuming the last sectionis the way to go
> >> to increase the
> >> offset value but I don't know what to do with it next!! I
> >> have been scouring
> >> phpbuilder and devshed with no luck so far.
> >>
> >> Any help very much appreciated
> >>
> >> cheers
> >> matt
> >>
> >> t  h  r  e  e  z  e  r  o     :       :      :
> >>
> >> the mill, millstone lane, leicester, le1 5jn
> >> e : [EMAIL PROTECTED] ::  m : 07747 845690
> >> w : http://www.threezero.co.uk
> >>
> >> :       :      :    t  h  r  e  e  z  e  r  o
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> --
> >> PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
> >> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >> To contact the list administrators, e-mail:
> >>
> >
> >
> --
> PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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