Liz Bander wrote:
> I want to display a user's full name and user id that would be from their
> login action.  (The login stuff is already set up.)  How would I be able to
> grab the user id from the login?  Any ideas on where to look?
> Thanks,
> Liz
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To get the username of the user who logged-in use
$HTTP_SERVER_VARS{"REMOTE_USER"}. Then you've got the username of
the user. You can just look that up in your database and get the
fullname etc. to show to the user.

If you realy want (although I don't see why anyone would...) you can
also get his password, using $HTTP_SERVER_VARS{"PHP_AUTH_PW"}.

* R&zE:

**  Renze Munnik
**  M: +31 6 218 111 43

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