i've just read the rest of the mails and must admit i am more than dismayed.

the shopping cart is SIMPLE, and if you can be bothered is easy to set up
and code.

>store want.  They do not support the number of operating systems that we 
>do, and are no where near as easy to install.

what operating systems do you support ? all the operating systems that php
runs on perhaps ?

>You get what you pay for.. right.. you don't pay for Linux, you don't pay 
>for PHP, MySQL, PostgreSQL and many other products your using. Do you 
>believe they suck too????
>It is a matter of preference... I think that linux and postgres are really 
>cool.  MySQL bites.  :-P  I am not saying that all open source stuff suck,
>just the open source php merchants.  My comment was directed at the

what's an open source merchant ?

>Open source is not the only way.  With our merchant you get the source code

>to modify and suit your needs.  Not only that... we maintain and provide
>updates.  We do not leave people hanging.  We add features that our 
>customers want and we fix the bugs in the code, and
>support installs.  Try getting that with opensource.  There are user groups

>and mailing lists, which will try and help you through
>but there is nothing that beats, support.  We provide documentation, 
>installations, and free support by the people who wrote
>the thing in a timely manner.

you've just described open source products pretty well. you get all that
with open source without NEEDING your merchant.

i'm afraid that this seems to be another way for people to climb on the back
of open source products and try and cream a living from seeling something
that is/was/should be free.

true, if you've invested time and want compensating for that time then
charge. but don't pretend it's better, or unique, or that you offer anything
that can't be found for no cost.


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