Here's the scoop:
Goal: to connect apache 1.3.19/PHP to remote Oracle server.
Background: I downloaded Oracle 8.1.7 and installed the default Client configuration.  
Machine is an SMP Mandrake 7.0 Linux 2.2.14.  PHP is  4.0.4pl1.
Synopsis: I configure and make php even with the cleanest configuration--
./configure --with-apxs --without-xml --with-oracle=/var/oracle 
--with-oci8=/var/oracle --without-mysql
It finds everything, make runs fine, install runs fine.  I try to load apache, it 
immediately dies without a trace in the logs.  Seems to be the the's the 
cause.  Should I suspect bad Oracle link libraries?
Dave Thomas
Chief Software Architect
BCD Enterprises, Inc.                                                                  

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