Thanks for the replies :)

Victor's suggestion put me on the right track. (I still have trouble with
language constructs)
Heres what I have now.. All I need to do is name my form fields with the
same name as the column names from the mysql table, and presto! now I can
just add/remove from the search form without changing the code. (I hope.. It
has worked so far).

while (list ($key, $val) = each ($HTTP_POST_VARS))
             if (!is_int($key) && $key!="Submit" && $key!="submit" &&
                     if (!empty($val))
                                 if (!empty($whereclause))
                                           $whereclause.=" AND Price$val";
                                           $whereclause.=" AND $key='$val'";
                                           $whereclause.=" Price$val";
                                           $whereclause.=" $key='$val'";


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