Newbie alert

Hi!  Here is a piece of coding.  It randomly choose between four options to
display on my homepage.  The problem is that it doesn't seem to be that
random - rather biased.  The last option $message[3] is displayed 9 out of
10 times.  Any suggestions?

<script language="php">

$message[0] = '<a href="index.php3?Page=vogn"><img border="0"
src="images/trolley.jpg"><br>Rengøringsvogne, mopper m.m.</a>';
$message[1] = '<a href="index.php3?Page=nilfisk"><img border="0"
src="images/nilfisk.gif"><br>Nilfisk Advance rengøringsmaskiner</a>';
$message[2] = '<a href="index.php3?Page=polering"><img border="0"
src="images/ladder.jpg"><br>Har du set vores Vinduespudserstiger?</a>';
$message[3] = '<a href="index.php3?Page=polish"><img
border="0"src="images/logo-bison.gif"><br>Vi importerer selv vore polisher
fra en af Canadas førende Polishfabrikker.</a>';

$number = mt_rand(0,3) ;


Regards from Denmark, Europe
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I haven't lost my mind, I've got it backed up on TAPE somewhere.......

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