Try nl2br()

On Tue, 3 Jul 2001, Bessette, Casey  wrote:

>-I am creating a content management page that uses a textarea box to enter a
>-chunk of text which then is sent into the database into a text-type field.
>-I am finding that when the data is retrieved to be shown in the browser that
>-the line feeds are lost.  I don't want users to have to know HTML to put
>-tags in themselves.  What's the best way to handle this?
>-Can I read from the database and insert br's and p's to be put into the
>-displayed HTML?  Or, instead, is there a way to put the br's and p's
>-immediately into the database when the record is inserted?  How can I do
>-this?  How would the string be manipulated?
>-Thanks for your help,
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John Huggins
Virginia Net Corporation
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