Hi Mark,

... beside of what was mentioned be4, you have also
a logical error in the way you append to your $sql-
query in the while loop.

Look: letz say, $find is "The Fields of the Nephilim",
so your $wordsarray would be:

0 ==> The
1 ==> Fields
2 ==> of
3 ==> the
4 ==> Nephilim

in your while-loop, you append every array-entry to
your $sql with "$word)".

So your whole SQL-Statement would read:

"SELECT bandname FROM bands WHERE (bandname LIKE The)Fields)of)the)Nephilim)"

This statement will result in error !

Try this 1:

//$find is text box input
$wordsarray = explode(" ",$find);

$sql = "SELECT bandname FROM bands WHERE bandname <> ''";

while ( list( $key, $word ) = each( $wordsarray ) )
   $sql .= " OR bandname like '%".$word."%'";
echo $sql."<hr>";

$queryResult = mysql_query($sql);

while ( $myrow = mysql_fetch_assoc( $queryResult ) )
   echo "<p> ".$myrow["bandname"]." </p>"."\n";

Hope this helps ;)


Michael Rudel 
- Web-Development, Systemadministration -

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> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mark Gordon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, July 09, 2001 1:54 AM
> Subject: [PHP-DB] Dynamic SQL + result resource error
> Why is this code generating an error when it outputs a
> valid SQL statement?  (there are no parse errors)
> //$find is text box input
> $wordsarray = explode(" ",$find); 
> $sql = "SELECT bandname FROM bands WHERE (bandname
> LIKE ";
> $i = 0;
> while ($i < count($wordsarray)) 
> { 
>     $word = current($wordsarray); 
>     next($wordsarray);
>     $sql=$sql."$word)";
> $i++; 
> }
> print "$sql<hr>";
> while ($myrow=mysql_fetch_row($sql))
> {
> print "$myrow[0],<p>";
>     }
> =====
> Mark
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