sounds like you are on the right track, but rather than use the
comparatively bulky regular expression engine, why not just the light-weight
string function

str_replace( ",", " ", $searchbox );

(see "String Functions" in the manual)

and you should be able to do 

str_replace( "\"", " ", $searchbox );

without violating any holy regex laws :)

// -----Original Message-----
// From: Dave Watkinson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
// Sent: Wednesday, 8 August 2001 3:18 PM
// To: PHP-DB List (E-mail)
// Subject: [PHP-DB] Error checking and escaping before running a query
// (MySQL)
// Hi all
// I have a searchbox that throws a wobbly when certain characters are
// entered into it - basically the user is supposed to enter a
// space-delimited list of words to search for, and then I 
// create an array
// from it and turn it into an OR etc query.
// What I initially did was replace all commas with spaces, but I've
// realised that double-quotes mess it up too.
// The command I used for the spaces is
//      $searchbox = ereg_replace(" ," ," ", $searchbox);
// I tried
//  $searchbox = ereg_replace(" \"" ," ", $searchbox);
// but the page shows an error of 
//     Warning: REG_EPAREN: in
// d:\apache\htdocs\dev\code\can_search_quick.php on line 22
// there's a parse error if I don't escape the ", so what can I 
// do? I know
// how to do it in VB!
// I searched PHP.net, but could only find an old bug report 
// that advised
// escaping special characters!
// Help!
// Thanks in advance
// Dave

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