It appears that the error is pointing to the last line of your code (just by a
quick count of the lines).  This normally means that you are missing a closing
bracket somewhere in your code.    In glancing through your code, the first
while statement has an opening, but no closing bracket (unless that is a
typo).  I also noted that your second while statement has no opening or
closing brackets.



Cato Larsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> Hey!
> Thanks for the help Mr. Bothwell.
> But now it seems I get a new error:
> Parse error: parse error in C:Program FilesApache
> GroupApachehtdocs/oiamemb/members.php on line 89
> I don't know why, or if it's the MySQL database who's moching with me.
> The current source is as follows: (Guess I've screwed it up worse than
> ever...)
> Thanks to all the people who have helped me. This is my first try at PHP,
> and MySQL for that matter so I realy apreciate it!
> Best regards Cato
> ------------> Code start
> <?
>  $usr = "Xephiroth";
>  $pwd = "lordoftherings";
>  $db = "members";
>  $host = "localhost";
>  # connect to database
>     $cid = mysql_connect($host,$usr,$pwd);
>  if (!$cid) {
>         echo "Error: ".mysql_error();
>         exit;
>     }
> ?>
> <html>
> <head>
> <title>Profiles</title>
> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
> </head>
> <body bgcolor="#000000" text="#FFFFFF" leftmargin="0" topmargin="0"
> marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" background="../images/back.gif"
> bgproperties="fixed">
> <?
>     $str = "PHP is not running!";
>     echo substr($str, 0, 7) . substr($str, 11);
> ?>
> <?
> $prof = "Nano-Technician"; # setup SQL statement
> $SQL = "SELECT * FROM memberinfo ";
> $retid = mysql_db_query($db, $SQL, $cid); # check for errors
> if (!$retid) { echo( mysql_error()); } else { # display results
> while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($retid)) {
> $email = $row["email"];
> $loc = $row["loc"];
> $aim = $row["aim"];
> $icq = $row["icq"];
> $msn = $row["msn"];
> $yahoo = $row["yahoo"];
> $charname = $row["charname"];
> $charsname = $row["charsname"];
> $charnick = $row["charnick"];
> $tit = $row["tit"];
> $lvl = $row["lvl"];
> $picurl = $row["picurl"];
> $born = $row["born"];
> $apperiance = $row["apperiance"];
> $charac = $row["charac"];
> $streng = $row["streng"];
> $bio = $row["bio"];
> $breed = $row["breed"];
> $prof = $row["prof"];
> $posn = $row["posn"];
> $contents = row(cell("", 150) . cell("", 200) . cell("", 200));
> while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($retid))
>     $contents .= row(
>         cell("<img src='{$row["picurl"]}'>")
>        .cell(
>             bold(
>                 "{$row["tit"]} {$row["charname"]} "
>                 ."&quot;{$row["charnick"]}&quot;"
>                 ."{$row["charsname"]}"
>              )."<br>"
>             .bold("Contact: ").$row["email"]."<br>"
>             .bold("Level: ").$row["lvl"]."<br>"
>             .bold("Breed: ").$row["breed"]."<br>"
>             .bold("Profession: ").$prof."<br>"
>             .bold("Location: ").$row["loc"]."<br>"
>             .bold("AIM: ").$row["aim"]."<br>"
>             .bold("ICQ: ").$row["icq"]."<br>"
>             .bold("MSN: ").$row["msn"]."<br>"
>             .bold("Yahoo!: ").$row["yahoo"]."<br>"
>          )
>         .cell(
>             "<br>"
>             .bold("Born: ").$row["born"]."<br>"
>             .bold("Appearance: ").$row["appearance"]."<br>"
>             .bold("Position: ").$row["posn"]."<br>"
>             .bold("Characteristics: ").$row["charac"]."<br>"
>             .bold("Strengths/weaknesses: ").$row["streng"]."<br>"
>             .bold("Bio: ").$row["bio"]."<br>"
>          )
>     );
> echo table($contents);
> )
> ?>
> </body>
> </html>
> <-------------- Code end
> -- 
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