On Mon, 13 Aug 2001, Phillip Bow wrote:

> I can't think of a simple way to do it off of an include, but off the top of
> my head:
> <?php
> $file = file("data.txt");
> for($x=0; $x<count($file); $x++){
>     $temp = str_replace("%", "", $file[$x]);
>     print "$temp\n";
> }
> unset($file, $temp);
> ?>
> --

Few things I think I should point out here.  The first being that
str_replace() will replace -every- percent sign in the line, not just the
one that occurs as the first character.

If you know for sure that the the first character is always a % and you
don't want to print it just use:

print substr($line, 1);
as the body of your for loop.

Secondly, you're callilng count() for every iteration of your for loop.
Might as well call it once, store the variable and save the computation
time of repeatdly calling it.

Thirdly, and this one is perhaps a bit anal retentive, PHP treats arrays
as dynamically growing linked lists.  So, when you call an array by it's
subscript the php engine starts at the head and walks X steps through the
list to get what you wanted.  If you don't plan on re-using the array,
It'd be better to do something like array_shift() to get values from it.

Perhaps something like this would work better:
> $file = file("data.txt");
> for($x=0; $x<count($file); $x++){
>     $temp = str_replace("%", "", $file[$x]);
>     print "$temp\n";
> }
> unset($file, $temp);
> ?>

$file = file("data.txt");
$line = array_shift($file);
while ($line != NULL) {
        print substr($line, 1);
        $line = array_shift($file);
unset($file, $line);

Note:  I've never done file I/O w/ PHP... I'm just assuming that the
original post was correct there.

Justin Buist
Trident Technology, Inc.
4700 60th St. SW, Suite 102
Grand Rapids, MI  49512
Ph. 616.554.2700
Fx. 616.554.3331
Mo. 616.291.2612

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