Hi Alex,

mySQL doesn't return normal PHP values. You need to use mysql functions to
convert the mySQL resulting data into an array, like so:

// mySQL Table:

// --------------------------------

// field1 | field2 | stuff |

// --------------------------------

// Florida | Ferrari | George |

// --------------------------------

// Detroit | Honda | Raymond |

// --------------------------------

// Kansas | Porsche | Betsy |

// --------------------------------

$Link = mysql_connect("server","username","password");

$Query = "SELECT field2,stuff FROM table;";

$Result = mysql_db_query("database",$Query,$Link);

while($ResultRow = mysql_fetch_array($Result))


// Now we're in a loop that cycles 3 times (there are 3 records)

// The first time, $ResultRow will be an array that looks like:

// $ResultRow["field2"] => "Ferrari"

// $ResultRow["stuff"] => "George"

// The next cycle through the loop, $ResultRow will look like:

// $ResultRow["field2"] => "Honda"

// $ResultRow["stuff"] => "Raymond"

// The last cycle through the loop, $ResultRow will be:

// $ResultRow["field2"] => "Porsche"

// $ResultRow["stuff"] => "Betsy"

print $ResultRow["stuff"] . " owns a " . $ResultRow["field2"] . "<BR>";


// The above script will write the following to your screen:

// George owns a Ferrari

// Raymond owns a Honda

// Betsy owns a Porsche

Hope this helps.

- Jonathan

"Default" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hi,
> I'm using PHP 4 and mysql.  I'm trying to do just a simple query from a
> database table, but every time it returns the value, it returns
> "Resource id #2" and results like that.  Any ideas?  Thanks.
> Alex

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