Here's what I'm using to do paged queries in Oracle:

$min = minimum of range of records
$max = maximum of range of records
$field_list = the fields from the table separated by commas
$table = the table from where you're selecting
$where_clause and $order_by should be self-explanatory

SELECT linenum, $field_list
  FROM (SELECT rownum AS linenum, $field_list
          FROM (SELECT $field_list
                  FROM $table
                 WHERE $where_clause
                 ORDER BY $order_by))
 WHERE linenum BETWEEN $min AND $max;

I hope it helps,

Anthony Carlos

-----Original Message-----
From: Graeme Merrall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, August 19, 2001 7:34 PM
To: Cynic
Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] oracle (oci8) intro

Quoting Cynic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hi there,
> I'm in a situation where I need to produce a small app
> on top of an Oracle server really quickly. I'm quite a
> seasoned developer, but have only experience with MySQL
> so far. It's my understanding that Oracle lacks the
> MySQL's "LIMIT" feature. Looking at the OCI section of
> the PHP manual, it also looks like there's no
> OCIDataSeek() or some equivalent. Since the app I need
> to build will be a standard report builder with paging,
> I need this functionality. What is the common way to
> achieve this? Always fetch all rows, cycling through the
> resultset, discarding the records that preceed the one
> I want to start displaying with, and quit when I reach
> the one where the page should end?
> Is there a PHP + OCI tutorial somewhere?
> I need an intro to Oracle, and I need it now. :(

Thies has an Oracle/PHP tutorial online at which may be
some assitance.
The LIMIT problem is a real bitch is Oracle. There are a few ways to get
it, the most obvious people use being ROWNUM. However, ROWNUM does not
to sorting which makes life amusing.
One option is to try a query like the following:
"SELECT * FROM (SELECT field1, field2 FROM table WHERE id>10 ORDER BY field1

which gives you 10 rows, but still leaves the question of paging behind
you use between values. I can't say I've tried paging record sets though.


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