I have PHP 4.06, Postgres7.1 and Apache on a Solaris server.  Most of 
the time all works as expected.  Occasionally I get an database error:

Database error
There was a database error when accessing Database zwg:
pqReadData() -- backend closed the channel unexpectedly. This probably
means the backend terminated abnormally before or while processing the
(while evaluating: SELECT serializedobject FROM objects WHERE name='Zurich')

[This error page is generated by my application; it displays the 
error reported by Postgresql and the SQL that caused the error].

The error is not caused by my SQL syntax, since this same code 
executes without a problem at other times.

Has anyone else seen an error like this? Where do I start looking for 
the cause?  Which backend is terminating abnormally (Postgresql or 
PHP?)  and why should it do that?

Nigel Gilbert

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