"Matt C" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> 1) I would like to pull all entries out of a table that have dates that
> haven't occured yet. Basically forget anything before the current day. How
> do I do that?

DELETE FROM table WHERE timestamp > $now

> 2) I enter news into a table and would like to display a summary page.
> Basically it has a list of headlines under the date they were added.
> Monday 10th August
> *Item 1
> *Item 2
> Tuesday 11th August
> *Item 1
> etc....
> How do I do that?

This is a wildly recurrent question, which really should be in
the FAQ if it's not already (hint, hint...)

Note: this is very PHP-like pseudocode; it
WILL NOT run "as written".

// The query MUST BE sorted by the listby field,
// so that equal values will end up together.
$query =
    "SELECT listbyfield, fieldB [, fieldC etc...] "
    ."FROM table ORDER BY listbyfield";
$res = mysql_query($query);

$lastseen = "";
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($res)) {
    // only echo the listby field if the value changes
    if ($row["listbyfield"] != $lastseen) {
        $lastseen = $row["listbyfield"];


... you will of course have to define
suitable stuff for printNewHeader()
and printEntry().

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