Andrew -

Thank you for getting back to me.......

Well, does the "Test" button on your ODBC Admininstrator shed any light?
If it works there, and doesn't work in your PHP, create an ODBC Trace in
Administrator so you can see the exact parameters of the connect.

The test does give me an OK.

Here are the results of a trace.  First, I tried the odbc_connect; then
I did the Test.  Unfortunately, most of my C/S experience is with
Interbase, so I am not sure what the trace is telling me.  Are you able
to get a hint as to what I am not doing correctly?


inetinfo        49c-7fc ENTER SQLAllocEnv
  HENV *              00ADCD90

inetinfo        49c-7fc EXIT  SQLAllocEnv  with return code 0
  HENV *              0x00ADCD90 ( 0x01812708)

inetinfo        49c-7fc ENTER SQLAllocConnect
  HENV                01812708
  HDBC *              00ADCD94

inetinfo        49c-7fc EXIT  SQLAllocConnect  with return code 0
  HENV                01812708
  HDBC *              0x00ADCD94 ( 0x01811688)

inetinfo        49c-7fc ENTER SQLConnectW
  HDBC                01811688
  WCHAR *             0x018121E8 [      -3] "Acct32_ODBC\ 0"
  SWORD                       -3
  WCHAR *             0x1F7F8B88 [      -3] "******\ 0"
  SWORD                       -3
  WCHAR *             0x1F7F8B88 [      -3] "******\ 0"
  SWORD                       -3

inetinfo        49c-7fc EXIT  SQLConnectW  with return code -1
  HDBC                01811688
  WCHAR *             0x018121E8 [      -3] "Acct32_ODBC\ 0"
  SWORD                       -3
  WCHAR *             0x1F7F8B88 [      -3] "******\ 0"
  SWORD                       -3
  WCHAR *             0x1F7F8B88 [      -3] "******\ 0"
  SWORD                       -3

  DIAG [28000] [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Login
failed for user 'PENTIUM3\IUSR_PENTIUM3'. (18456)

  DIAG [28000] [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Login
failed for user 'PENTIUM3\IUSR_PENTIUM3'. (18456)

inetinfo        49c-7fc ENTER SQLErrorW
  HENV                01812708
  HDBC                01811688
  HSTMT               00000000
  WCHAR *             0x0226E798 (NYI)
   SDWORD *            0x0226E7E0
  WCHAR *             0x0226E398
  SWORD                      511
  SWORD *             0x0226E7DE

inetinfo        49c-7fc EXIT  SQLErrorW  with return code 0
  HENV                01812708
  HDBC                01811688
  HSTMT               00000000
  WCHAR *             0x0226E798 (NYI)
   SDWORD *            0x0226E7E0 (18456)
  WCHAR *             0x0226E398 [      94] "[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server
Driver][SQL Server]"
  SWORD                      511
  SWORD *             0x0226E7DE (94)

inetinfo        49c-7fc ENTER SQLFreeConnect
  HDBC                01811688

inetinfo        49c-7fc EXIT  SQLFreeConnect  with return code 0
  HDBC                01811688

Todd Cary
Ariste Software

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