which version you ised before? and which version of the mysqladmin you are
using? seems you need a new version of mysqladmin.

"Luditus" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hi there,
> I just downloaded the new 4.06 PHP Version and installed it on a new
> machine.
> My application does not work properly anymore, nor does mysqladmin.
> This are some warnings:
> Warning: mysql_db_query is deprecated; use mysql_select_db() and
> mysql_query() instead in c:\dokumente und
> einstellungen\administrator\desktop\my
> files\projects\globosapiens\07_production\actual\mysqladmin\lib.inc.php on
> line 506
>             Warning: Undefined variable: picture in c:\dokumente und
> einstellungen\administrator\desktop\my
> .inc on line 273
> Does anybody have an idea?
> Cheers Andy

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