> Source code- CÛdigo fuente:
> <?
> $based="articulo.dbf";
> if (($descriptor=dbase_open ($based, 0))==0){
>    printf ("<br>Error al abrir la base de datos");
> }else{
>    printf ("<br>Base de datos abierta");
>    $num_registros=dbase_numrecords($descriptor);
>    $num_campos=dbase_numfields($descriptor);
>    for ($i=1;$i<=$num_registros;$i++){
>       $registro= dbase_get_record ($descriptor, $i);
>       for ($j=0;$j<$num_campos;$j++){
>  printf ("<br>Fila %d,Campo %d vale %S", $i, $j, $registro[$j]);

Try using a lower-case '%s' here -----^
I don't think the uppercase %S means anything to printf.

>       }
>    }
>    dbase_close($descriptor);
>    printf ("<br>Base de datos cerrada");
> }
> ?>

Don't know much about dbase, but the rest looks okay.


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