Greetings All!

I am working on making a catalog from the example used in "MySQL/PHP 
Databases Applications" by Jay Greenspan andBrad Bulger.  I am using 
php3 on the remote unix server.  I had to remain all the php files 
and there references in the documents from .php to .php3.  I am 
editing the code in a "simple text"editor.

Here is the problem.  I keep getting a Parse error on line 33.
        Question 1) How are you suposed count the lines? What is the exact 
definition of a line?
        Question 2) Can anybody tell me where the error is and or how to fix 
it?  Enclosed is the code.

Thanks very much in advance for any help or comments.


Here Tis...

*** This script from MySQL/PHP Database Applications ***
***         by Jay Greenspan and Brad Bulger         ***
***                                                  ***
***   You are free to resuse the material in this    ***
***   script in any manner you see fit. There is     ***
***   no need to ask for permission or provide       ***
***   credit.                                        ***

// string start_form ([string action [, array attributes]])

// This function returns an HTML <form> tag. If the first argument
// is empty, the value of the global Apache variable SCRIPT_NAME
// is used for the 'action' attribute of the <form> tag. Other
// attributes for the form can be specified in the optional second
// argument; the default method of the form is "post".

// The behavior of this function on servers other than Apache is
// not known. It's likely that it will work, as SCRIPT_NAME is
// part of the CGI 1.1 specification.

function start_form ($action="", $atts="")
        global $SCRIPT_NAME;

        if (empty($action)) { $action = $SCRIPT_NAME; }

        $attlist = get_attlist($atts,array("method"=>"post"));
        $output = <<<EOQ
<form action="$action" $attlist>
        return $output;

// string end_form(void)

// This function returns an HTML </form> tag.

function end_form ()
        $output = <<<EOQ
        return $output;

// string text_field ([string name [, string value [, int size [, 
int maximum length]]]])

// This function returns an HTML text input field. The default size
// of the field is 10. A value and maximum data length for the field
// may be supplied.

function text_field ($name="", $value="", $size=10, $maxlen="")
        $maxatt = empty($maxlen) ? "" : "maxlength=\"$maxlen\"";
        $output = <<<EOQ
<input type="text" name="$name" value="$value" size="$size" $maxatt>
        return $output;

// string textarea_field([string name [, string value [, int cols [, 
int rows [, string wrap mode]]]]])

// This function returns an HTML textarea field. The default size is
// 50 columns and 10 rows, and the default wrap mode is 'soft', 
which means
// no hard newline characters will be inserted after line breaks in what
// the user types into the field. The alternative wrap mode is 'hard',
// which means that hard newlines will be inserted.

function textarea_field ($name="", $value="", $cols=50, $rows=10, 
        $output = <<<EOQ
<textarea name="$name" cols="$cols" rows="$rows" 
        return $output;

// string password_field ([string name [, string value [, int size 
[, int maximum length]]]])

// This function returns an HTML password field. This is like a text 
// but the value of the field is obscured (only stars or bullets are 
// for each character).  The default size of the field is 10.  A 
// value and maximum data length may be supplied.

function password_field ($name="", $value="", $size=10, $maxlen="")
        $output = <<<EOQ
<input type="password" name="$name" value="$value" size="$size" 
        return $output;

// string hidden_field ([string name [, string value]])

// This function returns an HTML hidden field. A value may be supplied.

function hidden_field ($name="", $value="")
        $output = <<<EOQ
<input type="hidden" name="$name" value="$value">
        return $output;

// string file_field ([string name])

// This function returns an HTML file field. These are used to specify
// files on the user's local hard drive, typically for uploading as
// part of the form. (See
// for more information about this subject.)

function file_field ($name="")
        $output = <<<EOQ
<input type="file" name="$name">
        return $output;

// string submit_field ([string name [, string value]])

// This function returns an HTML submit field. The value of the field
// will be the string displayed by the button displayed by the user's
// browser. The default value is "Submit".

function submit_field ($name="", $value="")
        if (empty($value)) { $value = "Submit"; }

        $output = <<<EOQ
<input type="submit" name="$name" value="$value">
        return $output;

// string image_field ([string name [, string src [, string value]]])

// This function returns an HTML image field. An image field works
// likes a submit field, except that the image specified by the URL
// given in the second argument is displayed instead of a button.

function image_field ($name="", $src="", $value="")
        if (empty($value)) { $value = $name; }

        $output = <<<EOQ
<input type="image" name="$name" value="$value" src="$src">
        return $output;

// string reset_field ([string name [, string value]])

// This function returns an HTML reset field. A reset field returns
// the current form to its original state.

function reset_field ($name="reset", $value="Reset")
        $output = <<<EOQ
<input type="reset" name="$name" value="$value">
        return $output;

// string checkbox_field ([string name [, string value [, string 
label [, string match]]]])

// This function returns an HTML checkbox field. The optional third 
// will be included immediately after the checkbox field, and the pair
// is included inside a HTML <nobr> tag - meaning that they will be
// displayed together on the same line.  If the value of the
// second or third argument matches that of the fourth argument,
// the checkbox will be 'checked' (i.e., flipped on).

function checkbox_field ($name="", $value="", $label="", $match="")
        $checked = ($value == $match || $label == $match) ? "checked" : "";
        $output = <<<EOQ
<nobr><input type="checkbox" name="$name" value="$value" $checked> 
        return $output;

// string radio_field ([string name [, string value [, string label 
[, string match]]]])

// This function returns an HTML radio button field. The optional third
// argument will be included immediately after the radio button, and 
the pair
// is included inside a HTML <nobr> tag - meaning that they will be
// displayed together on the same line.  If the value of the
// second or third argument matches that of the fourth argument,
// the radio button will be 'checked' (i.e., flipped on).

function radio_field ($name="", $value="", $label="", $match="")
        $checked = ($value == $match || $label == $match) ? "checked" : "";
        $output = <<<EOQ
<nobr><input type="radio" name="$name" value="$value" $checked> 
        return $output;

// string select_field ([string name [, array items [, string 
default value]]])

// This function returns an HTML select field (a popup field).
// If the optional second argument is an array, each key in the array
// will be set to the value of an option of the select field, and
// the corresponding value from the array will be the displayed string
// for that option. If the key or the value from the array matches
// the optional third argument, that option will be designated as 
the default
// value of the select field.

function select_field ($name="", $array="", $value="")
        $output = <<<EOQ
<select name="$name">
        if (is_array($array))
                while (list($avalue,$alabel) = each($array))
                        $selected = ($avalue == $value || $alabel == $value) ?
                                "selected" : ""
                        $output .= <<<EOQ
<option value="$avalue" $selected>$alabel</option>
        $output .= <<<EOQ
        return $output;

// string db_select_field ([string name [, string table name [, 
string value field [, string label field [, string sort field [, 
string match text [, string where clause]]]]]]])

// This function returns an HTML select field (popup field), based
// on the values in the MySQL database table specified by the second 
// as returned by the db_values_array() function (defined in
// /book/functions/db.php).

function db_select_field ($name="", $table="", $value_field=""
        , $label_field="", $sort_field="", $match="", $where=""
        $values = db_values_array($table, $value_field, $label_field
                , $sort_field, $where
        $output = select_field($name, $values, $match);
        return $output;

// string db_radio_field (string name, string table name, string 
value field, string label field, string sort field, [string match 
text], [string where clause])

// This function returns a list of HTML radio button fields, separated
// by a non-breaking space HTML entity (&nbsp;) and a newline, based
// on the values in the MySQL database table named by the second
// argument, as returned by the db_values_array() function (defined in
// /book/functions/db.php).

function db_radio_field ($name="", $table="", $value_field=""
        , $label_field="", $sort_field="", $match="", $where=""
        $values = db_values_array($table, $value_field, $label_field
                , $sort_field, $where

        $output = "";
        while (list($value, $label) = each($values))
                $output .= radio_field($name, $value, $label, $match)
        return $output;


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