At 13.11.2001 23:23, Chris Payne wrote:
>Hi there everyone,
>I have had abit of an emergency, I have a website for a client based on 
>ASP and ACCESS 2000, but the current server is giving us problems so I 
>want to move over to my own server.  The problem is my server is a Linux 
>server - is ACCESS 2000 possible?
>My server has support for PHP, ASP, MySQL, etc ...... and it says that PHP 
>is able to interface with ACCESS - but how to hell do you do that?  I 
>haven't got a clue - could anyone please help me as it is dead easy using 
>a DSN-LESS connection on the current server, but I don't know where to 
>start here.
>My server runs the latest Red Hat Linux Apache system, with ASP (Don't 
>remember which version I only know it's not Chilishoft - sorry :-(  Latest 
>PHP, MySQL, FP2000 Ext... CGI and so on.
>I want to keep it an access DB if possible as i've had problems changing 
>the DB to MySQL.

Install ODBC, that would let you interface with degenerate database formats
as access et al.

Your best solution however would be to ditch Access and go a decent 
database solution,
one that doesn't tend to break under load (and doesn't impose strange 
on itself with regards to throughput).

(on a totally different not, I'd ditch FP extensions aswell, as they've 
proved to be a bit of
a nightmare on the security front in the past, don't know how they're doing 
at the moment,
but anything that tries to imitate something undocumented is a no-no in my 

Andreas D Landmark / noXtension
Real Time, adj.:
         Here and now, as opposed to fake time, which only occurs there
and then.

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