Hi Thies,
    Thanks for the info.  I tried re-configuring w/ --with-oracle=$ORACLE_HOME
and --with-oci8=$ORACLE_HOME.  After configuration I got the msg that
--with-odi8 there was no such file or directory as
/u01/app/oracle/product/8.1.7 (which is $ORACLE_HOME).  However,
now I am able to open Oracle thanks to you and your advise.  Thank you VERY
much.  Incidentally, what would OCI buy me?
"Thies C. Arntzen" wrote:

> On Mon, Dec 03, 2001 at 06:58:00AM -0800, John Kolvereid wrote:
> > Hi,
> >     I have just downloaded and installed PHP4.0.6.  I have configured it
> > --with-mysql and --with-oracle.  I am able to easily use Mysql but NOT
> > Oracle.  When I try an ora_logon or ora_login I get 'Fatal error:  Call
> > to undefined function: ora_log?n'  Moreover, I AM able to use Oracle w/
> > DBI functions, whereas our web server easily makes call to and from
> > Oracle dbs w/ no problems.  Is my problem an installation problem, or is
> > there something else I am not aware of?  Please advise.  Thanks.
>     plz configure using
>     --with-oracle=/path/of/ORACLE_HOME
>     also you should be using the oci*() functions - enable them
>     using:
>     --with-oci8=/path/of/ORACLE_HOME
>     tc

      John Kolvereid

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