
We resolved ourselves the problem by changing the ODBC driver.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Christine Cameli" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "Katell Galard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2001 5:03 PM
Subject: [PHP-DB] ODBC problem


I'm accessing DBASE files (*.dbf) through the ODBC API
of a PHP 4.6.0 module.

I can select information, I can insert information
but I can not delete neither update.

Here is my code and the associated error messages :

$connect_odbc=odbc_connect($Host,"","",SQL_CUR_USE_ODBC) or die("Erreur
de connexion au serveur");
    if (!odbc_autocommit($connect_odbc, TRUE)) {
        echo 'pb auto_commit';
    // selection avant
    $Req_hebd = "select * from fichhebd where NOSAL=$Nosal and
NOSEM=$Nosem and ANNEE=".substr($Annee,2,2);
    echo $Req_hebd .'<br>';

    if (!($Res_hebd=odbc_prepare($connect_odbc,$Req_hebd))) {
        echo 'pb prepare';
    if (!odbc_execute($Res_hebd)) {
        echo 'pb execute';
    if (!($res=odbc_result_all($Res_hebd))) {
        echo 'pb result_all';
all is OK : the following lines appear :
      22.0 43.0 1.0 RD 593 1230.0
      22.0 43.0 1.0 RD 593 2.0

    echo "<br>res:" . $res;

    // essai sur update
    $Req_hebd="UPDATE fichhebd set NBMINUTE=0 WHERE NOSAL=$Nosal and
NOSEM=$Nosem and ANNEE=".substr($Annee,2,2);
    echo $Req_hebd .'<br>';
    $Res_hebd = odbc_exec($connect_odbc,$Req_hebd);
PB : the following lines appear :
Warning: SQL error: [Microsoft][Pilote ODBC dBase] L'opération doit
utiliser une requête qui peut être mise à jour., SQL state S1000 in
SQLExecDirect in C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\CRA\Normal\valider.php on line 140
NB : 'L'opération doit utiliser une requête qui peut être mise à jour'
means 'it is not possible to make au update request'.
    echo 'num_row:' . odbc_num_rows($Res_hebd) .'<br>';

    $Req_hebd="DELETE FROM fichhebd WHERE NOSAL=$Nosal and NOSEM=$Nosem
and ANNEE=".substr($Annee,2,2);
    echo $Req_hebd .'<br>';
    $Res_hebd = odbc_exec($connect_odbc,$Req_hebd);
PB : the following lines appear :
Warning: SQL error: [Microsoft][Pilote ODBC dBase] Impossible de
supprimer dans les tables spécifiées., SQL state S1000 in SQLExecDirect
in C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\CRA\Normal\valider.php on line 146
NB : ' Impossible de supprimer dans les tables spécifiées' means 'It is
not possible to suppress in the specified tables'.

    echo 'num_row:' . odbc_num_rows($Res_hebd) .'<br>';

// end of the php script

Thank you for helping me.

Best regards.
Christine CAMELI
ELIOS Informatique
Tél : 02 96 48 51 51

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