How about:

SELECT FROM db2.users u LEFT JOIN db1.countries c ON
u.country_id=c.country_id GROUP BY;

This assumes the following layout:

| country_id | country |
| 67         | USA     |
| 68         | Uganda  |
| 69         | Canada  |

| user_id | username | country_id |
| 1       | george   | 69         |
| 2       | harry    | 67         |
| 3       | bob      | 68         |
| 4       | bill     | 69         |
| 5       | joe      | 68         |
| 6       | martha   | 68         |

This should result in 
| country |
| USA     |
| Uganda  |
| Canada  |

You should be able to add an "ORDER BY" to that SELECT query if
you want to sort the results alphabetically.

- Jonathan

-----Original Message-----
From: Andreas Pucko [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, January 04, 2002 9:40 AM
To: Jonathan Hilgeman
Subject: AW: [PHP-DB] How to querry two db in a single statement?

I wrote them:

# database: connect

function db_connect() {
        global $sys_dbhost,$sys_dbuser,$sys_dbpasswd, $mailadress_webmaster;
        $conn = @mysql_connect($sys_dbhost,$sys_dbuser,$sys_dbpasswd);
        if (!$conn) {
                # send error mail to webmaster
                $mailHeaders  = "From: ".$mailadress_webmaster."\n"; // from
                $mailHeaders .= "X-Priority: 1\n"; // Urgent message!
                mail($mailadress_webmaster,'MySQL error. Website is

HEADER("Location:/app_global/errors/unavailable.html");//redirect to
        return $conn;

# Select the Database

function select_db($link,$DB){
        global $mailadress_webmaster, $header_1_boxcolor_2;
        if (!mysql_select_db($DB, $link)){
                header_1('Error', $header_1_boxcolor_2);
                        We are sorry, an error has occured.<br>Please
contact our webmaster at:
<a href="mailto:'.$mailadress_webmaster.'">'.$mailadress_webmaster.'</a>
                        Occured during executing

                DisplayErrMsg(sprintf("%s", $stmt));
                DisplayErrMsg(sprintf(" %d %s", mysql_errno($link),
mysql_error($link))) ;
                exit() ;


The layout of the db is verry complex. Too long to show all the tables. But
in short form there is one table in db1 called country and another in db2
called user. The user has the country as a field.

I am trying to find out the countries the users come from. Building a select
field containing only the countries where user come from.

Cheers Andy

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Jonathan Hilgeman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Gesendet: Freitag, 4. Januar 2002 17:46
Betreff: RE: [PHP-DB] How to querry two db in a single statement?

Are select_db and db_connect functions that you wrote or someone else wrote?
They are not generic PHP4.x functions...

In any case, it would help to see your database layouts...

- Jonathan

-----Original Message-----
From: Andreas Pucko [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, January 04, 2002 8:29 AM
To: Jonathan Hilgeman
Subject: AW: [PHP-DB] How to querry two db in a single statement?

Hello Jonathan,

my problem is how to connect to 2 db in the same time. They are on the same

Here is the code I wrote so far:

        # connect to db1

        $link = db_connect(); //connect to db
        select_db($link,$DB); // select db

        # Get countries who are currently used by registered members:

        // $geo_T1 is in $DB2
        // $T5 is in $DB

                        $stmt= "
                                SELECT DISTINCT C.*   /*Distinct means no
equal results*/
                                from  $geo_T1 C, $T5 U
                                where C.country_id =
                                order by country_name

                        $result = execute_stmt($stmt, $link);

                        while ($row = mysql_fetch_object($result)){
                                $country_id[] = $row->country_id;
                                $country_name[] = $row->country_name;

Thanx for your help

Regards, Andy

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Jonathan Hilgeman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Gesendet: Freitag, 4. Januar 2002 17:09
Betreff: RE: [PHP-DB] How to querry two db in a single statement?

If the two databases are on the same server, you can use joins to select
data from multiple databases.

For instance:
Database 1, Table A:
| id     | name    |
| 1      | George  |
| 2      | Mark    |
| 3      | Harry   |

Database 2, Table A:
| id     | name    |
| 1      | Bill    |
| 2      | Henry   |
| 3      | Ford    |

You can:
SELECT as db1Name, as db2Name FROM Database1.TableA a LEFT
JOIN Database2.TableA b ON;

Now you'll get:

| db1Name  | db2Name  |
| George   | Bill     |
| Mark     | Henry    |
| Harry    | Ford     |

Hope this helps.

- Jonathan

-----Original Message-----
From: Andy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, January 04, 2002 5:50 AM
Subject: [PHP-DB] How to querry two db in a single statement?

Hi there,

I would like to make a querry on 2 db. There is info in tables I would like
to compare.

As I know, there has first to be a conect on the db before the querry. But
how to do this on 2 db??

Thanx for any help.


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