
> =ex-Navy guys are always "at sea" - however they never let me near the
ships, but I guess that's another
> story...

ex RAF myself (almost 30 years ago though), so I suppose I might be all 'up
in the air'?
> > > level). Once again we draw boxes (I have some wonderful s/w for doing
> > these tasks, but it is M$). A single
> > Visio?
> =yes - but as part of my venturing into LAMPs, I have been pointed to an
equivalent package under Linux.
> =understood - and so whilst you may not 'improve' the system design (the
primary objective when developing on a
> 'green field' site) it will help in your conversion to SQL/relational
technology, as per below.
I'm sure it will.

> =correct MySQL does not CURRENTLY have stored procedures, but it is under
active discussion (too late for us,
> but then...).
> =many people have a very shallow understanding of SQL - particularly [he
says generalising like crazy] people
> who 'fall into it' from (say) PHP programming. Indeed my own initial
training course [mumble, mumble] years ago
> majored on SELECT, charged through INSERT and DELETE, and settled lightly
on DML. However there is enormous
> power in the SELECT statement that belies the usual course topics of
SELECT *... and SELECT colName, colName,
> ... and a bit of format control/changing the column names/labels. In my
training course, and many others I've
> seen since, token gestures are made so that even throwing in MAX(), MIN(),
and AVG() seems more an illustration
> of (the more narrow) GROUP BY clause than it does of the SELECT statement.
[rant, rave,...] This shallow
> understanding means that 'they' will tend to do too much in PHP (assuming
they know it better) in preference to
> SQL - at a cost of efficiency/execution time.
> =let's make this answer a 'game of two halves': firstly, if you followed
my earlier point, after producing ELH
> diagrams, (my)/the next step is to start writing SQL queries. Thus one
tries to pack as much functionality into
> the SQL statement, as is possible. Each SQL query will feed some response
'back' to the PHP code (that in the
> finished product, will first call it). Thus if you throw together the
system's SQL calls in a previous
> development step, the only PHP functionality required is that which cannot
be accomplished within MySQL - so my
> terminology may be flawed/deceptive, it is not that I'm taking stuff out
of the PHP code (I haven't written any
> yet/at this stage), it's that it never gets in there in the first place!
Remember the mantra: prevailing wisdom
> says that if you have a choice of doing something in SQL or PHP, do it in
> =there's an interesting problem on the list (in fact both PHP and PHP-DB)
posed by Brian Tully "need help
> looping through each record with a query -stumped". It is a much
smaller/self-contained example than your own.
> He has presented his 65-line, mainly-PHP code in his statement of the
problem. It provided a brain-starting
> challenge for me this morning, and I have opened my big mouth to suggest
that we could get it down to a much
> less complex single SQL call and one or two nested loops of PHP. To do
this, I have requested some clarification
> of the business rules governing his case. If it suits you, and assuming he
gets back to me, I will work through
> it. Could we then use this as an example of how to shift functionality out
of PHP (the 'middle box') and into
> SQL (the 'left-hand box')?

Yes, please do. But if I could interject with a sub-concept question. Much
of what I will be scratching my head about can probably be achieved with SQL
as it pertains to data held. Can this fuctionality be built into MySQL or is
it more a case of still doing it all in SQL but the SQL 'script' resides in
the .php page? Just trying to see the trees instead of the wood.


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