On Friday 11 January 2002 10:33, Necro wrote:
> Ok,
> I have tried to go to PASSWORD after none of the suggestions worked out.
> The current statement is:
>       $arg = "select password, 1 as auth from acl where username='$username' and
> password = 'PASSWORD($password)'";
> But the error I get now is:
> select password, 1 as auth from acl where username='andrewd' and password =
> 'PASSWORD(madonna)'Resource id #2
> Any ideas?
> Andrew

Both PASSWORD and MD5 expect a *string* as an argument so you need to enclose 
the argument in either single quotes or double quotes.

 $arg = "SELECT password, 1 AS auth
           FROM acl
          WHERE username = '$username'
            AND password = PASSWORD('$password')";

Hopefully that should work ;-)

Jason Wong -> Gremlins Associates -> www.gremlins.com.hk

Love is the process of my leading you gently back to yourself.
                -- Saint Exupery

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