it seems to me that the problem with your encryp' function has to do with
your 'separators'. Try replacing every ocurrence of your especial chars ( in
this case the values $sep could get ) before using your "encrypting"

hope i got it right,

"Thomas "omega" Henning" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hello all,
> I encrypt a text lets say omega home with an home made encryption
> Lets say i encrypt omega home. It will result oomoeogoao ohooomoeo. When i
> decrypt it it ses omega hme
> Home isn't typed out due 2 exlopde("o","oomoeogoao ohooomoeo"); In this
> case. H
> My quiestion how i make the PHP code put the first char in this case o in
> its right place?
> Thomas "omega" Henning
> ok this is my code
> elseif($cmd=="@")
> {
> $sep=substr($enc,0,1);
> $denc=explode($sep,$enc);
> for($i=0;$i<strlen($enc);$i++)
> {
> if()
> $dencf=$dencf.$denc[$i];
> }
> $dencf=substr($enc,0,1).$dencf;
> irc_put_message("PRIVMSG $nickto :<$nick,encrypted message> $enc:$dencf");
> }
> --
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