I'm not sure why that isn't working, but this might do what you want:

$index = strrpos($im_file, "\\");
$im = substr($im_file, $index + 1, strlen($im_file));

I just tested it out here and that works fine, $im = "image.jpg"

On February 1, 2002 02:41 am, you wrote:
> Good day to all.
> I tried the following code from PHP's manual
>  if (isset($submit))
>  {
>   if ($submit == "Save")
>   {
>   echo "$im_file<BR>";
>   $tok = strtok($im_file, "\\");
>   while ($tok)
>   {
>   echo "$tok<BR>";
>   $tok = strtok ("\\");
>   }
>   }
>  }
> I have the string $im_file ="C:\\<a_path>\\image.jpg" and I want to have
> into a variable (say it $im) just the filename part (image.jpg).
> The code above, returns me just a "C:" :((
> Any suggestions greatly appreciated.

Dave Sullivan
Web: http://asliver.ath.cx/

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