"Todd Williamsen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Well...  thanks to Dan Burner for the script...  BUT
> I cannot get this friggin INSERT statement to execute..  which craps out..

Specific error messages might help more. Use mysql_error() with die() more
to get them.

> I cannot figure it out.  I have been staring at it for about an hour and I
> still cannot figure it out
> here it is:
> $db = @mysql_select_db($db_name, $connection) or die("Could not select
> database");
> $query = "INSERT INTO Canidate(FirstName, LastName, Industry, Address1,
> Address2, City, State, Zip, LocationPref, Phone, Email, ResumeUp) VALUES
> ('$FirstName', '$LastName', '$Industry' '$Address1', 'Address2', '$City',
> '$State', '$Zip', '$LocationPref', '$Phone', '$Email', '$ResumeUp2')";
> $result = @mysql_query($query, $connection) or die("could not execute
> query");
> $pat = array("#", "@", "*", "&", "%", "@","$","'","`");
> $w= '_';
> $ResumeUp2 = str_replace ($pat, $w, stripslashes($ResumeUp));
> exec("cp '$ResumeUp' '/resumes/$ResumeUp2'");
> ?>
> it errors out on the $result "could not execute query"
> Let me know if you need more info!
> Thank you!
> "Todd Williamsen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > I don't want the file to be stored in the database, but its location.
> >
> > What I want to do:
> >
> > Upload a file, it gets stored on the webserver, but its location on the
> > server is stored in the database.
> >
> > Where do I look for something like this?
> >
> > What data type would I use to store the URL or file location?
> >
> > Thank you
> >
> >

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