> Hi there,
> I would like to find out the changes on content after a members last login.
> The format of the date stored in the member db is e.g.:   Feb 13, 2002
> The format of e.g pictures uploaded is:
> 2000-02-13
> How can I search for pictures which are uploaded since the members last
> login. Is ist possible to convert the memberdate format to the other one and
> just search for something like picturedate > logindate?
> Thanx for any help
> Andy

strtotime is what you're looking for:

strtotime ("2000-02-13");
strtotime ("Feb 13, 2002");

Then you can just 'say':

if (strtotime ("2000-02-13") > strtotime ("Feb 13, 2002")) {
  print ("Picturedate after logindate");
} else {
  print ("Logindate after picturedate");

Pretty easy huh!? PHP Rulz!


* R&zE:

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