I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess that I'm missing
something obvious (and easy) because this sure seems
like it should be able to be done.

Here's the issue: I need to pull the client name and
ID out of one table and then, count the records in a
different table (called ratings) that match two
different criteria. 

If I was doing 2 different sql statments, they would
look like this:
select clientname, clients.ID, count(*) FROM clients,
ratings WHERE clients.ID = ratings.clientID AND
ratings.status = '2' 
select clientname, clients.ID, count(*) FROM clients,
ratings WHERE clients.ID = ratings.clientID AND
ratings.status = '3' 

In a perfect world, I'd be able to receive the
following data from a single query:

| ClientName | ClientID | Status-2 | Status-3|
| Bob        | 28       | 103      | 87      |
| Steve      | 29       | 11       | 106     |
| Jerry      | 30       | 50       | 82      |

I sure hope I explained that well enough. 



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