> On Thursday 14 February 2002 07:29, Peter Lovatt wrote:
> > Hi
> >
> > Excuse the cross post
> >
> > I am thinking about building a logging tool to do visit
> analysis using SQL,
> > rather than doing log file analysis.
> >
> > The aim is to analyse requests for dynamic pages called via php
> as well as
> > static pages. Static pages will use an include for logging. Php
> calls may
> > have two or three extra parameters which relate to products that are
> > displayed (this is for ecommerce) which I also want to log. I am looking
> > particularly at HTTP_REFERER, paths through the site, and most viewed
> > products.
> >
> > Questions
> >
> > 1. Am I reinventing the wheel? and would it be better to buy a package
> > (Spending money brings me out in a nasty rash, and leaves me feeling a
> > little unsteady on my feet, but is sometimes the best option), or use a
> > free one. The intended audience is non technical managerial type bods so
> > nothing too difficult to understand :)
> I would say you are :) Something like Analog would probably do
> all you need
> to do and more. But it doesn't use a database.

As far as I can see, it does not track referrers and paths through the site,
and a simple pages visited (it includes all the requests for graphics etc )

It is also a bit overwhelming for non techies, even with the nicer

> I've done something similar. In apache I pipe the logs through a
> little perl
> program which writes the info directly into an MySQL database. On
> one setup,
> a PII 300/448MB machine *easily* handles 10K requests a day. The table
> (indexed) is nearly up to 1 million rows and shows no
> (noticeable) signs of
> slowing down.

Great, that was one of my bigger concerns

> > 4. Is a (MySql?) database driven system a good answer, or just the wrong
> > way to go??
> Depends on how dynamic you want your analysis to be. And whether
> you can put
> up with long query times. In the above system some analysis can
> take up to 30
> secs to perform.
> My reason for using a db was complete flexibility in analysing
> the data in
> any which way I want.

Me too

> Getting the info into the db is the easy part -- I could send you
> the perl
> script that I use. The hard bit is coming up with the necessary
> queries to
> extract the info from the db.

That would be much appreciated, please send it to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> --
> Jason Wong -> Gremlins Associates -> www.gremlins.com.hk
> /*
> There's so much to say but your eyes keep interrupting me.
> */
> --
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