
> echo "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"delete\"
> value=\"delete\"></form></table>";
> echo "<tr><td><input type=\"submit\" name=\"delete\"
> value=\"delete\"></td></tr></form></table>";

----- Original Message -----
From: "jas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2002 3:12 AM
Subject: [PHP-DB] formating problem

> I feel kinda dumb for posting this but here it is... I am trying to query
> table then format the results so it looks like the rest of the site and
> darn delete button to remove db entries keeps showing up at the top.  Here
> is the code... Thanks in advance.
> Jas
> <?php
> require '../scripts/db.php';
> $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM cur_inv",$dbh) or die("Could not
> execute query, please try again later");
> echo "<table border=\"0\" class=\"table-body\" width=\"100%\"><form
> name=\"rem_inv\" method=\"post\" action=\"done2.php3\">
> <tr><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\"><font size=\"4\"><B>Current
> Inventory</B></font><hr color=\"333333\"></td></tr>";
> $count = -1;
> while ($myrow = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
> $count ++;
> echo "<tr><td width=\"30%\"><B>Type Of Car: </B></td><td>";
> printf(mysql_result($result,$count,"car_type"));
> echo "</td><td><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"car_type\"
> value=\"checkbox\">remove</td>
> </tr>\n";
> echo "<tr><td width=\"30%\"><B>Model Of Car: </B></td><td>";
> printf(mysql_result($result,$count,"car_model"));
> echo "</td></tr>\n";
> echo "<tr><td width=\"30%\"><B>Year Of Car: </B></td><td>";
> printf(mysql_result($result,$count,"car_year"));
> echo "</td></tr>\n";
> echo "<tr><td width=\"30%\"><B>Price Of Car: </B></td><td>$";
> printf(mysql_result($result,$count,"car_price"));
> echo "</td></tr>\n";
> echo "<tr><td width=\"30%\"><B>VIN Of Car: </B></td><td>";
> printf(mysql_result($result,$count,"car_vin"));
> echo "</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"3\"><hr color=\"333333\"></td></tr>\n";
> }
> echo "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"delete\"
> value=\"delete\"></form></table>";
> ?>
> --
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