if you follow your code you see that you do 0 - 1000 and it's logic to be

Jennifer Downey a écrit :

> Hi all,
> I'm still banging my head on this.
> Let's say I have $1000 to withdraw from my account. I withdraw that $1000
> which leaves me $0 dollars in the account.
> With the code below if I enter another $1000 dollars in the form and hit
> enter it loans me the thousand and puts my account at -$1000 dollars.
> What do I need to do to stop it from loaning me the thousand and keep me
> from having a negative balance?
> <TR>
>  <TD><font size="2">Withdraw</font></TD>
>  <TD> <INPUT TYPE="text" VALUE="" NAME="user_withdraw"></TD>
> </TR>
> <TR>
>  <TD></TD>
>  <TD><INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Make My Withdrawal" NAME="withdraw"></TD>
> </TR>
> </TABLE>
> </FORM>
> // used to update if a user makes a withdrawal
> $query = ("UPDATE wt_users set bank_points = bank_points - $user_withdraw,
> points = points + $user_withdraw WHERE uid={$session["uid"]}");
> $result=mysql_query("$query");
> // select bank points for the user.
> $sql_result = mysql_query("SELECT bank_points FROM wt_users WHERE
> uid={$session["uid"]}");
> $row = mysql_fetch_array($sql_result);
> // if bank points are at 0 then print no points and quit.
> if ($sql_result <= "0") {
>          echo "you don't have that many points";
>          exit;
> } else {
>    echo "Your withdraw has been made!";
> Thanks again in advance
> Jennifer Downey
> --
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  Marius Ursache (3563 || 3494)

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