your checkboxes should pass a value (probably just the filename) and you
could perhaps name them all "filenames[]" or something, using the array
trick in PHP, so that on the page you submit to, $filenames will be an array
containing everything that was checked.

you can then loop thru the array and unlink() each filename in there.



// -----Original Message-----
// From: Nautilis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
// Sent: Monday, 25 February 2002 10:43 PM
// Subject: [PHP-DB] Delete selected files
// Hi everybody,
// I show a list of files that I upload to the user's folder 
// using the next
// code:
//         $path= "../clients/$user";
//         $dir = opendir ($root);
//         while ($archivo = readdir ($dir))
//        {
//         $size = filesize("$path/$filename");
//         $size = ($size/1024);
//         $size = intval($size * 100 ) / 100;
//         if ($filename!= "." && $filename!="..")
//             {
//             echo "<tr><td><a
// href='$path/$filename'>$filename</a></td><td>$size Kb</td></tr>";
//             }
//         }
// I want to add a checkbox in every file i get in the user's folder. My
// question is:
// Is there any way to use some kind of function to delete 
// selected files? I am
// not sure if i can use javascript to evaluate which is 
// checked and how. And
// after that evaluation, how to call a unlink ($filename) to 
// delete the files.
// Any help would be greatly appreciated.
// Nau
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