I've never tried this before, but couldn't you use $db1 = mysql_connect();
and $db2 = mysql_connect();?

William Fong - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, March 05, 2002 1:46 PM
Subject: [PHP-DB] 2 mysql connections to same server?

: Hi,
: does anyone know how to make multiple database connections to the same
: server without getting the same Resource-ID back from the "mysql_connect"
: I´m trying to write an abstract database class. I want to be able to have
: different instances for every connection. For example one connection for
: session handling and another one for normal database interaction. But
: connecting to the same server (different database) a second time kinda
: overwrites my previos connection and gives back the same resource id.
: Thanks for help,
: Tom
: --
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