I have PHP4.10 on solaris with oci8 support. everything seems to work 
well. Oracle support is working fine. but I am getting an error when I 
am trying OCIBindByName to bind a variable to an out variable of a 
stored procedure. 
I have checked this code on php4.10 on windows 2k with same database 
and it works well. I get the value of the out variable in my binded 
variable of PHP script.
.Only PHP on solaris is giving me the error, any ideas why? here is the 
code and the error

$getcardvalidity = "begin customer.scratch_check
$cardstmt = OCIParse($conn,$getcardvalidity);
OCIBindByName ( $cardstmt, ":amount", &$amount,4);

Warning: OCIStmtExecute: Error while trying to retrieve text for error 

and this code works well when i run same script on php installed on 
win2k but i have to make it run on solaris.
Thanks in advance 

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