You actually have several options here and some things could complicate the
issue too.

A previous poster suggested that 36 page views a second would be
satisfactory - this sounds reasonable but it's also my experience that in
the Windows world the way the systems tend to fail is to become unstable at
high loads.  You'll want to watch this and always have extra head room.

You didn't exactly say but I assume you'd be doing this all on one machine;
I'd suggest using at least two - one for the DB and the other for the Web
Server, ASP and PHP processing.  You can add more front end machines and so
long as they all look to the same DB you won't have consistency issues.

Getting your 36 pages per second depends on how much work your doing per
page.  For every page view you have:

End User's Browser <-> IIS <-> ASP <-> PHP <-> DB

I assume your query would be looking up stories by a primary key and since
most people will be looking for the latest news these pages would be cached
so the DB shouldn't have much trouble keeping up this pace.

But 36 times a second PHP and ASP would be retrieving and formatting the
same stories and this could be minimal or more likely significant work.
Having more than one front end would allow you to scale by adding more front
ends when needed.

You could also design a system where after a story is submitted it gets
formatted once and pushed to the Front End servers - although you still may
want to process the pages as they are served (for Ad's, user preferences or
whatever) you would have some or maybe even most of the processing already
done speeding up the process.

Even if you only had the top 100 stories as static pages and for old stories
you did hit the DB this could still save you significant time.

And the system the authors use to submit the stories should defiantly be on
a different Front End - perhaps not that powerful if money's an issue but
having it separate reduces the chances that something on that box (an
Upgrade, bug or even an editor doing something unusual) would bring down the
whole site.

Good Luck,

On 3/10/02 8:23 AM, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"

> From: olinux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Sat, 9 Mar 2002 17:47:15 -0800 (PST)
> Subject: Hosting - what's needed to handle 650K queries?
> I am working with a news site that currently uses
> static pages. 
> I'm looking into the option of building a db driven
> system and new host option as we are up to about 10K
> articles. What do I need in a server to handle this
> amount of traffic. Site is currently getting about
> 600,000 page views and growing quite rapidly. The
> server I am looking at is athlon 1gig 512MB Win2K
> (portions of the site are ASP scripted). Will this
> server handle the traffic of approx 650,000 queries
> monthly. (Traffic is heaviest M-F)
> I would like to develop the content management system
> in PHP. MySQL has more than enough functionality to
> insert and pull data for what we're doing. We also
> have a MSSQL database. Which would be a better
> solution. I am guessing that MySQL would be as 99% of
> queries would be simple select statements and MySQL
> handles this well.
> Thanks much,
> olinux
> PS: Hosting providers - feel free to send me
> (dedicated) hosting offers off-list
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