Jennifer: Did you ever get your If else Question answered?

On Mon, 25 Mar 2002, Jennifer Downey wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have a table called pets, here is a partial dump:
> At this time this is all I am working with.
> uid int(10) NOT NULL default '0',
>     num_pet tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '1',
> There are three steps to adding the pet into the db
> Step 1 create the record, this is in create.php. And yes believe it or not
> this does work.
> $query_update = "INSERT INTO pets (uid) SELECT uid FROM users WHERE
> uid={$session["uid"]}";
> $result = mysql_query($query_update)
>                  or die("Unable to insert into the database");
> Step 2 Check to see if there is already a pet record this is in process.php.
> $query="SELECT  num_pet FROM pets WHERE uid={$session["uid"]}";
> $ret = mysql_query($query);
> while(list($num_pet)=
> mysql_fetch_row($ret))
> // echo  the number in the db, it should = 1 until submit button clicked
> echo $num_pet
> $number_pet = $num_pet;
>        if($number_pet == 0 ) {
>        print ("Sorry you can't add another pet");
>        }else{ this does all the updating of the record
> ?>
> <form action="petdata.php" method="post">
> Click to continue<BR>
> <INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Submit" NAME="submit">
> </form>
> <?
> }
> Step three update num_pet after submit is clicked, this is in petdata.php
> $db = "update pets set num_pet = 0 where uid={$session["uid"]}";
>    $ret = mysql_query($db) or die(db_error());
> Now here is my question, If the submit button is clicked and num_pets is
> updated to 0 and you try to add another record shouldn't this print- Sorry
> you can't add another pet?
> I am at a loss as to why it will keep adding records. Anyone want to take a
> stab at it?
> Jen
> --
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