        I have text file with CSV like format (use # sign separate each field) but 
there did not have any end of line character.  This file could open in m$ 
excel but if I opened it in any text editor it will display in 1 line.  How 
could I handle this file in PHP code?
        let see the example it attach file.

Sommai Fongnamthip.
28-03-2002#  #TR DEP#    #794,299.09#6,288,278.76#043
28-03-2002#  #CASH DEP#    
28-03-2002#  #CASH DEP#    #341,410.84#6,663,796.60#005
28-03-2002#6779642   #TR WTD CHQ#62,332.81#   #6,601,463.79#047
28-03-2002#  #CASH 
DEP#    #120,313.13#6,721,776.92#084
28-03-2002#  #ELC TR-BOA#    
#33,464.98#6,755,241.90#127#REFER TO : ASIA1272053867#REFER TO : ASIA0911006286# # # #
28-03-2002#  #CASH DEP#    #260,695.50#7,015,937.40#067
28-03-2002#  #CASH DEP#    
28-03-2002#  #TR DEP#    #45,431.00#7,314,543.84#091
28-03-2002#6779645   #TR WTD CHQ#6,664.81#   #7,307,879.03#091
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