I figured out the problem....it was in my query statement

"SELECT * FROM $table where DATE LIKE '$month%' ORDER BY DATE desc"

This works perfectly, but in the effort to achieve greatness (won't ever
happen), is this the most efficient way?

"Rick Emery" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Ron,
> This would indicate that $table was not set.  Or that the table indicated
> $table does not exist.  Print out $query; is it as you expected?
> Enter the SELECT at the mysql command prompt: what is the result?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Allen, Ronald L CIV [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, April 04, 2002 8:41 AM
> To: Rick Emery
> Subject: RE: [PHP-DB] Database Sorting by date
> The query fails when I try to look at a month it says "Query Failed"
> >Ronald L. Allen (MCSE NT, MCP, CCNA)
> SR. LAN/WAN Administrator
> >SFOR - Hungary, Croatia
> >+36-82-500000 ext. 22580
> >      DSN: 760-2000
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rick Emery [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, April 04, 2002 16:43
> To: 'Ron Allen'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: RE: [PHP-DB] Database Sorting by date
> Ron,
> What problem are you having?  I'm looking at your code, and it's so clean,
> could eat off of it. My only suggestion would be that $month will NEVER ==
> "NULL".  If you are testing for NULL, the test is: if ($month == NULL )
> Second, $month will be assigned a value, so it will never be NULL either.
> BTW, what is in drop.inc?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ron Allen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, April 04, 2002 8:09 AM
> Subject: [PHP-DB] Database Sorting by date
> Here is the problem I want to be able to view all or search through the
> currency lists in the database by the month. Any help would be great!!!
> Here is the code
> <FORM name="currency" METHOD=POST ACTION="testtest.php">
> ALIGN=LEFT> <B>Select a CCSD:</B><BR><select name="month"
> onChange="document.currency.submit()">
> <option value="NULL">SELECT
> <option value="NULL">VIEW ALL
> <option value="2002-03">March 2002
> <option value="2002-04">April 2002
> <option value="2002-05">May 2002
> <option value="2002-06">June 2002
> <option value="2002-07">July 2002
> <option value="2002-08">August 2002
> <option value="2002-09">September 2002
> <option value="2002-10">October 2002
> <option value="2002-11">November 2002
> <option value="2002-12">December 2002
> </TD></tr>
> </table>
> <?
> include '..\drop.php';
> $DBName = "currency";
> $table = "currency";
> $db = mysql_connect("$DBhost","$DBuser","$DBpass") or die("Problem
> connecting");
> mysql_select_db("$DBName") or die("Problem selecting database"); if
> == "NULL"){  $query = "SELECT * FROM $table";  $result =
> or die ("Query failed"); //let's get the number of rows in our result so
> can use it in a for loop $numofrows = mysql_num_rows($result); } else {
> $query = "SELECT * FROM $table where DATE = preg_match(Y-m,'$month'))
> BY DATE"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die ("Query failed"); //let's
> the number of rows in our result so we can use it in a for loop $numofrows
> mysql_num_rows($result); }
> ?>
> <?
> echo "<TABLE BORDER=\"1\">\n";
> echo "<TR
> </b></center></TD><TD><center><b>EURO
> ><b>KM
> r><b>KUNA</b></center></TD></TR>\n";
> for($i = 0; $i < $numofrows; $i++) {
>     $row = mysql_fetch_array($result); //get a row from our result set
>     if($i % 2) { //this means if there is a remainder
>         echo "<TR bgcolor=\"#d3d3d3\">\n";
>     } else { //if there isn't a remainder we will do the else
>         echo "<TR bgcolor=\"#f0f0f0\">\n";
>     }
>     echo
> /TD><TD>".$row['KUNA']."</TD>\n";
>     echo "</TR>\n";
> }
> //now let's close the table and be done with it
> echo "</TABLE>\n";
> ?>
> --
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