On Sunday 07 April 2002 17:08, Hayan Al Mamoun wrote:
> Dear all,
> I have two design-identical database, one on my intranet, the other on the
> internet, is there any procedure that Synchronizes the content of two
> databases?
> I'm using PHP applications and MySQL Database, WindowsNT4 IIS

You've got several options and it all depends on how synchronised you 
need/want them to be. If you need up-to-the-minute sync then the mysql 
replication feature is the only way to go.

Other methods are:

Using mysqldump:

1) Dump from local mysql straight to remote mysql:

"mysqldump --opt name_of_database | mysql --compress -h remote.mysql.host 

2) Dump from local mysql and compress to file:

"mysqldump --opt name_of_db | gzip > name_of_db.gz

Then ftp to remote, decompress and import.

3) Install phpMyAdmin on both machines.

Jason Wong -> Gremlins Associates -> www.gremlins.com.hk
Open Source Software Systems Integrators
* Web Design & Hosting * Internet & Intranet Applications Development *

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