Can I set this to use the SMTP Server at my ISP but still use the database
and PHP files in house. I don't want to make any changes to either the php
pages or the database at the ISP until I have got it all working. Although I
suppose I could set up another site and database at my ISP.

Alex Francis
Cameron Design
35, Drumillan Hill, Greenock, PA16 0XD
Tel / Fax 01475 798106

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--- Begin Message ---
That's the info in question!

> Here is the section from my PHP.INI
> [mail function]
> ; For Win32 only.
> SMTP = localhost
> ; For Win32 only.
> sendmail_from = [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> ; For Unix only.  You may supply arguments as well (default:
> 'sendmail -t -i').
> ;sendmail_path =
> I presume you mean the SMTP server set in my mail account. That is at
> ISP.

The SMTP= entry must be pointing at an SMTP server. Have you installed
SMTP on the local box? In any case, others have had major problems using
"localhost", cf a machine name.

FWIW, I recommend using the SMTP svr at your ISP. Because you can set up
this line to be exactly the same as you have in your email package - and
thus reduce variable factors, if you can get email OUT using your email
client, you should be able to have high confidence that your PHP
infrastructure will work! (so even if you have set up a local SMTP
server, I'd get going on the ISP, and once proven switch back in-house)


> > > I'm still having problems with the mail function.
> > >
> > > I have installed PHP in a Windows 2000 test server. Is there
> > I
> > > should do to allow this function to work. I am a complete newbie
> > > installed with the default settings. I get a "Failed to connect
> > when I
> > > call the mail() function.
> > >
> > > // retrieve values
> > > $row = mysql_fetch_array($ret);
> > > $email = $row["email"];
> > > $title = $row["title"];
> > > $comments = $row["comments"];
> > > $title = $row["title"];
> > >
> > > mail($email, $title, $comments);
> >
> >
> > Mail is controlled by settings in the php.ini file.
> > Please post the [mail function] section (changing any confidential
> > to protect the guilty).
> > Setup for Windows differs from *NIX - hence confusion in many
> > tutorials/books... this matter is frequently discussed - see
> >
> > Regards,
> > =dn
> >
> --
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