
On Tue, 29 Aug 2000 22:55:11 +1200, Jeffrey Barendse wrote:

> I like to use a script like this:
> $result_cat = mysql_query("select cat_naam from categorie order by
> cat_naam");
>  while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result_cat))
> {  echo '<OPTION VALUE="' . (urlencode($row[cat_naam])) . '">' .
> $row[cat_naam]; }
>  while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result_cat))
> {  echo $row[cat_naam]; }
> In the first while function it works fine. But in the other I have no
> date. I suppose the mysql_fetch_array sets a pointer. Is there a way to
> reset the pointer so I can reuse a query?
> Regards,
> Jeffrey Barendse
> WireITup

 Jason Morehouse ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
 Netconcepts LTD - Auckland, New Zealand
 * Linux: Because rebooting is for adding hardware.

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