On Sun, 30 Jun 2002 20:21:18 -0400
Chris Payne "Chris Payne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi there everyone,
> I have my id field auto incrementing (Of course) and I have a
> utility
> that allows me to remove items from it, the problem is when I
> remove
> something the items after it keep their ID’s leaving a gap in the
> ID.
> For example, say I have 1-10 in the ID field and I remove number
> 8, I’ll
> have 1-7 and then 9-10, what I need is for 9-10 to go down to 8-9,
> how
> can I do this?  It’s really important as I have an ad-rotator
> system
> which gets the total number of fields from the DB and if there is
> an
> empty ID it causes there to be an invalid image appear (Of
> course).
> So all I need is to renumber the ID field after a delete I guess,
> but
> how?
> Any help would be extremely grateful :-)
> Thanks
> Chris

If all you want to do is to get a record count, why not
"SELECT COUNT(*) AS recs FROM datatable"

Above all things, never be afraid. The enemy who forces you to
retreat is himself afraid of you at that very moment.
  --Andre Maurois


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