Try break up the query, like:

WHERE (column1 LIKE '%$search%' OR column2 LIKE '%$search%' OR column3 LIKE
'%$search%') AND ...

Tony S. Wu

Matthew K. Gold at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> hi everyone,
> I'm writing the code to make my mysql database searchable.  I can search two
> columns, but I seem to have problems when I try to search three.
> In the SELECT statement, this WHERE statement works:  WHERE column1 OR
> column2 LIKE '%$search%' AND...
> This WHERE statement doesn't work:  WHERE column1 OR column2 OR column3 LIKE
> '%$search%' AND ...
> I'm obviously having a syntax problem...Thanks in advance for your help.
> And in case any of this is confusing, I'll include the real code below.
> Thanks,
> Matt
> $get_data = "select course.CourseNumber, course.CourseTitle,
> concat(prof.ProfFName, \" \", prof.ProfLName), instit.InstitName,
> disc.DiscName, course.Format from course, disc, instit, prof where
> course.CourseTitle or course.CourseDesc or disc.DiscName like '%$search%'
> and course.DiscID = disc.DiscID and course.InstitID = instit.InstitID and
> course.ProfID = prof.ProfID order by $orderby";

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