> > HTML tags require quotes, which have to be escaped in PHP, I

I picked up this useful tip from another PHP newsgroup ages ago - one of
those real smack your forehead moments...

instead of...

echo "<P class=\"foo\">bar</P>";

I use

echo "<P class='foo'>bar</P>";

(note the use of single quotes)

- not too sure how compatible this method is with XML ( I THINK you have
uses double quotes around attribute values) - but for plain old HTML it
works fine.

you could use

echo '<P class="foo">bar</P>";

but it makes variable replacement ugly :(

echo '<P class="foo">' . $bar . '</P>';

as apposed to...

echo "<P class='foo'>$bar</P>";

Hope this helps

Richard Allsebrook
Applications and Web Development

"Thomas Lamy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Lisi [mailto:lists@;shemeshdirectory.co.il] wrote:
> >
> > My personal test for how to do it is how much is being
> > echoed. Since many
> > HTML tags require quotes, which have to be escaped in PHP, I
> > prefer to
> > close PHP and go back into HTML. This avoids the inevitable
> > bugs when I
> > forget to escape the quote.  If, however, I have something
> > short I will
> > just echo it with PHP.
> I do it the same way. Additionally, if I open tags with echo, I close them
> with echo, too and vice versa. This enables one to use tools like
> Dreamweaver on (small) PHP pages [if one doesn't use smarty].
> >
> > There is one performance factor to consider, it's best to
> > reduce opening
> > and closing PHP since each time you open it there is another
> > call to the
> > server (I think - please correct me if I'm wrong!) which
> > could in theory
> > slow down your page loading, but I'm not sure how much this
> > really matters.
> > Anyone out there know anything about this?
> It does matter, but not much. Leaving/re-entering PHP mode many times
> a page does not use another server call, but needs memory (stack space and
> PHP interpreter/bytecode structures). This can easily be bypassed by using
> PHP acellerator like the Zend Accelerator (http:///www.zend.com/) or PHP
> Acellerator (http://www.php-accelerator.co.uk/).
> Thomas
> >
> > -Lisi
> >
> > At 01:30 PM 10/22/02 -0400, Chris Payne wrote:
> > >Hi there everyone,
> > >
> > >This isn't urgent i'm just curious :-)  If I want to use
> > HTML code in my
> > >PHP, I usually close the PHP with ?> do the HTML command
> > with <?=$code?> if
> > >I need to output PHP then open PHP again with <? if I need
> > to write alot of
> > >PHP.
> > >
> > >However, i've noticed alot of people use echo to output HTML
> > instead of this
> > >other method, which method is correct and why?  I just want
> > to understand if
> > >I am doing it a bad way or if I should learn to adopt echo's
> > for everything?
> > >
> > >Thanks, just curious so no hurry for a reply :-)
> > >
> > >Regards
> > >
> > >Chris Payne
> > >
> > >
> > >--
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> >
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> > PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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