> > I'm working on a new site, and I'm wondering whether to use an
> > abstraction layer or not.  I don't have any plans to switch DB system,
> > but you never know what the future holds.  I figure that there's no
> > reason not to, but are there any down sides?  Which abstraction layers
> > are good?

well, any down side ? may be slower for example. So, if you don't plan to
switch db system, the speed of the layer could be your criteria.

> ADOdb is a good one. PEAR also has an abstraction class. Once you get
> used to using them, they make things easier over all. I've never
> actually switched databases with them, so I don't know how much easier
> it makes that. I find them ideal for error catching and reporting.

I agreed. ADOdb (http://php.weblogs.com/ADODB) is quite nice, fast, (the
fatest ?) and very helpful even if you don't change db.
See benchmark at http://phplens.com/lens/adodb/. Well, it's from adodb, may
be you would find an other one written by those using pear_db.


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