did you try echoing the value of $id after you have assigned it?

you may find it's because you aren't connected to your database or something

and also, i am assuming that you are using a recent install/verison of PHP,
because $_GET wasn't available until the last few releases.


// -----Original Message-----
// From: Gavin Amm [mailto:gavin@;ksg.com.au]
// Sent: Thursday, 7 November 2002 9:55 AM
// To: Php-Db (E-mail)
// Subject: [PHP-DB] Warning - newby question -- $_GET
// Hi,
// I'm trying to call a script with the "?=" after the php 
// script name in the
// URL, but can't seem to pick up the variable to use in my script...
// any help would be greatly appreciated :)
// I'm calling the script with this url:
// http://localhost/Data/test/dbconnect2c.php?id=TestPage
// The section of the script i'm using is:
// $id = $_GET['id'];
// $sql="SELECT * FROM content where title=$id";
// $result=mysql_query($sql,$db);
// Error message returned:
// Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a 
// valid MySQL result
// resource in...
// Thanks,
// Gav
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